Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011
Senin, 10 Oktober 2011
Construction Joglo
One of them Javanese traditional house construction
Based on the overall look and shape of the skeleton, building joglo can be divided into 4 parts:
Young (Nom): Joglo which looks likely to form elongated and elevated (stretchy).
Old (Tuwa): Joglo the form looks tend to be short (not lengthwise) and the roof is not straight / inclined resting (nadhah).
Men (lanangan): Joglo that looks solid because relatively thick chassis.
Women (wadon / padaringan kebak): Joglo the frame is relatively thin / flat.
In the center of the gazebo, there are four main pillars called the pillar. Its size should be higher and bigger than the pillars / saka-saka others. At both ends of these poles there are ornaments / carvings.
The top of the pillar are linked by connective / connective-called overlap and sunduk. Overlapping positions on the sunduk.
In the Java language, the word "sunduk" itself means "awl".
At the very top of the mast pillar is usually contained several layers of wooden beams that form circles that widened toward the terraced outdoor and indoor. Widening to the outside is called elar. Elar in Javanese means' wing,. While widening to the inside so-called 'inter-sari'. This Elar support of the roof, while the Overlapping-shore areas of the sky sky juice joglo (pamidhangan).
For more details, the details of the order joglo are as follows:
Molo (MULO / sirah / suwunan), the beam is located at the top, which is considered as the "head" of the building.
Ander (saka-gini), beams located above the sleigh that serves as the support of Molo.
Geganja, construction boosters / stabilizers Ander.
Sledge (rodent), Beams connecting and stabilizing the ends of the pole; frame house located across the top of the house according to its width and linked with the beam.
Santen, Buffer sledge which lies between the sledge and reel.
Sunduk, stabilizer pole construction to withstand the shock / sway.
Kili (Sunduk Kili), lock cathokan sunduk Beams and poles.
Pamidhangan (Midhangan), cavities are formed from a series of beam / inter-sari on brunjung.
Dhadha Peksi (dhadha-manuk), rodents are the transverse beams in the middle of pamidhangan.
Penitih / panitih.
CVD-Ganthil, holder / lock-pole shaped bulge diarrhea; dudur oppressed.
Intelligence, which supports the Molo and the beams supporting the roof at once.
Dudur, beams connecting the meeting point of responders, and penangkur penitih with Molo.
Elar (wing), part of the expansion came out top of the pillar supporting the roof.
Songgo-uwang, Construction penyiku /
Read more: Construction of custom homes joglo central java ~ Home Design Ideas
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Based on the overall look and shape of the skeleton, building joglo can be divided into 4 parts:
Young (Nom): Joglo which looks likely to form elongated and elevated (stretchy).
Old (Tuwa): Joglo the form looks tend to be short (not lengthwise) and the roof is not straight / inclined resting (nadhah).
Men (lanangan): Joglo that looks solid because relatively thick chassis.
Women (wadon / padaringan kebak): Joglo the frame is relatively thin / flat.
In the center of the gazebo, there are four main pillars called the pillar. Its size should be higher and bigger than the pillars / saka-saka others. At both ends of these poles there are ornaments / carvings.
The top of the pillar are linked by connective / connective-called overlap and sunduk. Overlapping positions on the sunduk.
In the Java language, the word "sunduk" itself means "awl".
At the very top of the mast pillar is usually contained several layers of wooden beams that form circles that widened toward the terraced outdoor and indoor. Widening to the outside is called elar. Elar in Javanese means' wing,. While widening to the inside so-called 'inter-sari'. This Elar support of the roof, while the Overlapping-shore areas of the sky sky juice joglo (pamidhangan).
For more details, the details of the order joglo are as follows:
Molo (MULO / sirah / suwunan), the beam is located at the top, which is considered as the "head" of the building.
Ander (saka-gini), beams located above the sleigh that serves as the support of Molo.
Geganja, construction boosters / stabilizers Ander.
Sledge (rodent), Beams connecting and stabilizing the ends of the pole; frame house located across the top of the house according to its width and linked with the beam.
Santen, Buffer sledge which lies between the sledge and reel.
Sunduk, stabilizer pole construction to withstand the shock / sway.
Kili (Sunduk Kili), lock cathokan sunduk Beams and poles.
Pamidhangan (Midhangan), cavities are formed from a series of beam / inter-sari on brunjung.
Dhadha Peksi (dhadha-manuk), rodents are the transverse beams in the middle of pamidhangan.
Penitih / panitih.
CVD-Ganthil, holder / lock-pole shaped bulge diarrhea; dudur oppressed.
Intelligence, which supports the Molo and the beams supporting the roof at once.
Dudur, beams connecting the meeting point of responders, and penangkur penitih with Molo.
Elar (wing), part of the expansion came out top of the pillar supporting the roof.
Songgo-uwang, Construction penyiku /
Read more: Construction of custom homes joglo central java ~ Home Design Ideas
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
In the archipelago many custom homes and a variety of diverse forms and this is one of the traditional house of west sumatra
Minangkabau traditional house. The Minangkabau or Minang ethnic archipelago is a collection of language and uphold traditional Minangkabau. Adherent culture areas include West Sumatra, Riau half the land, north of Bengkulu, Jambi western part, southern part of North Sumatra, Aceh's southwest, and also Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia.Kebudayaan they are to be motherly (matrilineal), with property and land inherited from mother to daughter, while religious and political affairs are the affairs of men (although half of women also play an important role in this field). Now about half the people living in shoreline Minangkabau, the majority in the district and major city in Indonesia and Malaysia. The Malays in Malaysia, many of which originated from Minangkabau, they mainly inhabit Negeri Sembilan and Johor. Despite strong interest in the grip Minangkabau Islam, they are also strong in the practice of hereditary tradition held customs. Some elements of traditional Minangkabau understanding comes from animism and Hinduism that have long existed before the arrival of Islam. However, the still strong influence of Islam in Minangkabau adat, as recorded in their proverb, Indigenous basandi Personality ', Personality' basandi Qur'aan, which meant, custom (Minangkabau) jointed Islamic law and Islamic law jointed Qur'an. Minangkabau people are very prominent in the field of commerce or trade, as professionals and intellectuals. They are the inheritors of the traditions of old esteemed and the Malay kingdom of Srivijaya who enjoy trading and dynamic
Minangkabau traditional house. The Minangkabau or Minang ethnic archipelago is a collection of language and uphold traditional Minangkabau. Adherent culture areas include West Sumatra, Riau half the land, north of Bengkulu, Jambi western part, southern part of North Sumatra, Aceh's southwest, and also Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia.Kebudayaan they are to be motherly (matrilineal), with property and land inherited from mother to daughter, while religious and political affairs are the affairs of men (although half of women also play an important role in this field). Now about half the people living in shoreline Minangkabau, the majority in the district and major city in Indonesia and Malaysia. The Malays in Malaysia, many of which originated from Minangkabau, they mainly inhabit Negeri Sembilan and Johor. Despite strong interest in the grip Minangkabau Islam, they are also strong in the practice of hereditary tradition held customs. Some elements of traditional Minangkabau understanding comes from animism and Hinduism that have long existed before the arrival of Islam. However, the still strong influence of Islam in Minangkabau adat, as recorded in their proverb, Indigenous basandi Personality ', Personality' basandi Qur'aan, which meant, custom (Minangkabau) jointed Islamic law and Islamic law jointed Qur'an. Minangkabau people are very prominent in the field of commerce or trade, as professionals and intellectuals. They are the inheritors of the traditions of old esteemed and the Malay kingdom of Srivijaya who enjoy trading and dynamic
Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011
Twins Mayang and Traditional Javanese Wedding
Twins Mayang has figuratively and containing the hopes and ideals of the future. Mayang Twins series is generally made complement traditional Javanese wedding ceremony. Created as a requirement and means of the bride married. In the Javanese belief, twin Mayang only borrowed from the gods, so that when the wedding procession is complete will be returned back to earth by discharged diperempatan dilabuh road or through the water.

Twins completeness Mayang generally consist of:
Janur leaf and 4 elements woven: kris, grasshoppers, and bird umbrella
A pair of young green coconut clorot form of coconut +
Paidon brass 2 pieces (the spit)
Young pineapple fruit 2 pieces
Leaves yellow, nering, reed and leaf croton
Jasmine, magnolia and flowers Pudak
Patra Menggala Flowers / flower peacock
sindur cloth (red and white).
Meaning and the Meaning Twins Mayang
Each element in the circuit Mayang twin has its own meaning:
Coconut leaf symbolizes light, intended to have the beams a stunning bride
Leaf folds:
Keris-kerisan: Protects from dangers and be careful in life
Grasshoppers: For there is no obstacle in the future
Umbrella: shelter or protection
Birds: Living in harmony and happiness like a bird.
Senin, 03 Oktober 2011
Spatial Structure in the Home
Decor: beauty. decorating is an act or let things harmonious. decorates the room means a person's actions to amend or re-arrange a room let seemingly comfortable and beautiful
Easy Steps to Home Decorating
To dress the house, one way to do is to make home decorations. Which is one way to give a different look in your home. Generally, it is done in an effort to beautify the appearance.
Meanwhile, to make the process of decorating the house, we come across some things that need attention in order to better condition. Better condition you mean in this case, that the resulting home decor can be maximized. Of course it is so determined by the level of your imagination.
Creating a home decorating is not a simple job, there are many aspects that you should work on so that it looks good results. If each of these aspects you can work on, then the changes that occur in the home decor definitely proud.
Tastes in home decor
The role of style and taste is an important aspect to realize the conditions that you expect. Style and taste it supports the idea of home decor you'd expect. The force is intended in this regard include the model applied decoration and furnishings are desirable, as the filler room of the house so as to obtain equilibrium conditions.
Equilibrium conditions between furniture and accessories are used as home decoration, can foster a comfortable conditions for occupants. Styles and tastes should play an active role when you plan the manufacture of home decor. everything you've worked on through the process completely. Various considerations have to do before decorating a house.
You can entrust the work to people who are experts in doing the work home decor. You can just give a desired condition to a decorator and then those who work to shape you want to materialize.
Important Things in Home Decor
Home decorating is very important if it is associated with the appearance of a house. The better home decor, the better his performance. This impact on the value of your home than the houses around it. Everyone wants the best home decor than existing homes.
If this process is calculated financially, it takes a huge cost to fulfill your ambition in making home decorating for the better. Moreover, if handed over to expert professional interior workmanship. But if we are planning another in full and ask handyman to do it.
There are several things you need to understand and do to make your home decor is really cozy. This things are:
Apply Basic Concepts of Traditional. Maybe you mean these concepts seem ancient, but still many who apply, ie put all things are odd. Install accessories with an odd number. All the odd regarded as a symbol of balance thus giving the impression of comfort and good when dilihat.Dekorasi is Your Lifestyle. In order not to be bothered by the decorations you have, the better the furniture you have to have neutral colors and easy to clean, also for furniture lainnya.Permainan Color. That color can give the impression of broad and narrow as well. If the color is dark, then the impression that emerges is narrow, while if the color of light, then the impression that emerges is wide and tall lapang.Pasanglah view Flat Eye Images. If your painting as high tidal flat eyes, when you enjoy the painting. All you get is kenyamanan.Pergunakan Wallpaper to Fit. Wallpaper is a wallpaper that is used to give a special decoration on the wall. Wallpaper can be selected with bright colors and images according to selera.Gunakan Family Photos. Photos can also be used as home decor. By posting in the right position, the room would be nicer. The photos of the best and installed, other than as a display can also be used as decorations or home decor attractive.
Easy Steps to Home Decorating
To dress the house, one way to do is to make home decorations. Which is one way to give a different look in your home. Generally, it is done in an effort to beautify the appearance.
Meanwhile, to make the process of decorating the house, we come across some things that need attention in order to better condition. Better condition you mean in this case, that the resulting home decor can be maximized. Of course it is so determined by the level of your imagination.
Creating a home decorating is not a simple job, there are many aspects that you should work on so that it looks good results. If each of these aspects you can work on, then the changes that occur in the home decor definitely proud.
Tastes in home decor
The role of style and taste is an important aspect to realize the conditions that you expect. Style and taste it supports the idea of home decor you'd expect. The force is intended in this regard include the model applied decoration and furnishings are desirable, as the filler room of the house so as to obtain equilibrium conditions.
Equilibrium conditions between furniture and accessories are used as home decoration, can foster a comfortable conditions for occupants. Styles and tastes should play an active role when you plan the manufacture of home decor. everything you've worked on through the process completely. Various considerations have to do before decorating a house.
You can entrust the work to people who are experts in doing the work home decor. You can just give a desired condition to a decorator and then those who work to shape you want to materialize.
Important Things in Home Decor

If this process is calculated financially, it takes a huge cost to fulfill your ambition in making home decorating for the better. Moreover, if handed over to expert professional interior workmanship. But if we are planning another in full and ask handyman to do it.
There are several things you need to understand and do to make your home decor is really cozy. This things are:
Apply Basic Concepts of Traditional. Maybe you mean these concepts seem ancient, but still many who apply, ie put all things are odd. Install accessories with an odd number. All the odd regarded as a symbol of balance thus giving the impression of comfort and good when dilihat.Dekorasi is Your Lifestyle. In order not to be bothered by the decorations you have, the better the furniture you have to have neutral colors and easy to clean, also for furniture lainnya.Permainan Color. That color can give the impression of broad and narrow as well. If the color is dark, then the impression that emerges is narrow, while if the color of light, then the impression that emerges is wide and tall lapang.Pasanglah view Flat Eye Images. If your painting as high tidal flat eyes, when you enjoy the painting. All you get is kenyamanan.Pergunakan Wallpaper to Fit. Wallpaper is a wallpaper that is used to give a special decoration on the wall. Wallpaper can be selected with bright colors and images according to selera.Gunakan Family Photos. Photos can also be used as home decor. By posting in the right position, the room would be nicer. The photos of the best and installed, other than as a display can also be used as decorations or home decor attractive.
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011
Indonesia comprises many of the nation's tribes are spread from Sabang to Merauke, consisting of various regions and tribes are almost in every region inherit the results of his art form a large and convincing. The results turned out to current art is alive and preserved. The fact gives hope about the survival of traditional arts that have high values and adhiluhung with its variations, as well as greater public attention and government in managing the problem. On the basis of these very unfortunate if the art is such that up to extinction due to the currents of globalization with the influx of western culture to Indonesia, it is natural for our nation Indonesia and the younger generation taking part in the preserve and develop the art of our culture that we know miliki.Sebagaimanayang that branch of art traditions that exist in Indonesia include Dance, Art Music, Art, Sound Art, Art Literature, etc.. In the field of Fine Arts is still divided again into many kinds, and one of them is the art of ornament, ornament is one element of the branch of art is no less important in meeting the psychological demands. It is the general understanding that the ornaments have a very big role, this can be viewed through its application in various ways, covering all aspects of human life both carnal and spiritual. Like for example its application to the ceremony tools, hunting equipment, transportation, traditional houses, farm equipment, souvenirs, etc.. Ornament is one element of art that has been properly received great attention from the wider community for sustainability awake.
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